by Matt Corrion
We are very excited to have moved into the Jehn Center in Olde Town Arvada. Our new address is 5690 Webster Street, Arvada, CO 80002. We have been in the new office location for about 3 weeks, and are loving the new surroundings. It took a lot of work to pack up everything and make the move, while in the midst of the middle of summer with dozens of projects in full swing!
Below are some example graphics we are doing for of one of the many exciting new projects we are working on, a resort near Cape Coral, Florida.

Needless to say, I have been slacking on making new blog posts lately. But please stay tuned as I have a ton of ideas for new articles full of great tips and ideas!
This is the official blog of Outdoor Design Group, Colorado Landscape Architects. For more information about our business and our services, click here.
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by Matt Corrion

Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) has a graceful form, and unique pink flowers that appear in the spring before the leaves emerge. The flowers appear even on the larger branches, and sometimes even on the trunk itself. Redbud is one of my personal favorites. In arid climates like Colorado, they should be planted in a protected location, in partial shade.
This is the official blog of Outdoor Design Group, Colorado Landscape Architects. For more information about our business and our services, click here.
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by Matt Corrion
This idea popped into my head one night at the end of a busy day. As I have written about in the past, one of our specialties at Outdoor Design Group is to work with large residential and commercial properties to renovate their landscaping to save water and maintenance. We call these our Site Renovation services. Often times the landscape is drastically changed, as we convert high water-use areas (usually irrigated lawns) into more sustainable Xeriscape style landscaping with trees, flowering shrubs, perennials, and ornamental grasses. I already knew what these changes looked like on the ground, but I wondered what they might look like from the sky…

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by Matt Corrion
No, this is not a new species of tree selected for it’s graceful “V” shape.
When large trees are planted directly under power lines the utility companies will hack them back with no regard for for aesthetics. In general, it is always best to avoid placing trees too close to any utilities or permanent structures.

Here are a few guidelines and things to remember:
1) In addition to being aware of overhead wires, always call for underground utility locates (dial 811 in Colorado) prior to doing any digging or planting any trees. These fine folks will come to your property and locate with markings all of the underground utilities.
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by Matt Corrion
Juniper bushes are the most despised landscaping plant in existence. I know this to be true, because 75% of the time that I talk with a homeowner or property owner about renovating their landscape, they say something like “those Junipers have GOT to go!”.

Juniper bushes are common in older landscapes. Here they were not given adequate room, so they have been sheared off along the walkway.
Why is this? I think there are a few main reasons, aside from the fact that they are prickly beasts that we have all tangled with a one point (either landing in one while playing as a kid, or getting that annoying rash on your arm while trimming them) :
1) They were simply overused in the past. People are just tired of them and want something unique and new. And since they live for ages and rarely die, they are often the only living survivors guarding the front doors of homes in any older neighborhood.
2) They were not planted with enough room to grow. Many of the varieties get quite large after say, 20 years, and quickly outgrow the planting bed. Because they grow too large for their setting they require excessive pruning to keep them at a manageable size. This pruning then exposes all of the dead old growth inside the base of the plant- ugly!
3) The aforementioned prickliness. And good luck getting the baseball you were tossing around out of the center of that green monster.
Given these negatives, why then should you consider using Juniper plants in your landscape?
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