by Matt Corrion
Osteospermum ‘Avalanche’ flowers
Looking for a low-growing, flowering perennial that will impress your friends and neighbors when they visit your garden? Look no further than the vigorous mat-forming daisy, ‘Avalanche’ White Sun Daisy. This cultivar, named to the Plant Select program in 2011, is related to other sun daisies, whose genus is originally native to South Africa. A shimmering riot of white, daisy-like composite flowers are produced above a mat of oblong, nearly succulent dark evergreen leaves. This variety of sun daisy is more disease resistant, blooms more heavily, and is more cold hardy than other Osteospermum cultivars. The numerous blooms close at night, showing off their metallic undersides of the petals.
Consider reserving a spot for this ‘Avalanche’ in your xeriscape or in the front of your sunny perennial planting beds.
Osteospermum ‘Avalanche’
Scientific Name: Osteospermum ‘Avalanche’
Plant Type: Perennial Groundcover
Mature Height: 8″-12″
Mature Spread: 24″-42″
Cold Hardiness Zone: USDA zones 4 – 9 (up to 8,000 ft)
Water Requirement: Low to medium water needs. Seems to do equally well in dry conditions or with supplemental irrigation.
Exposure: Full Sun to light shade. I have experimented with it in my garden in afternoon shade, and it seems to do quite well.
Soil: Adaptable. I have planted it in some pretty heavy, poor clay soil and it seems to thrive there unlike many other Xeric perennials.
Flower Color & Bloom Time: Flowers are white with yellow-green centers, exhibiting a unique metallic tinge on the undersides of the petals. Blooms appear in early to mid-summer and continue in fall through the first frost. Sometimes flowering will slow down in late summer or in really hot, dry weather.
Winter Interest: Minimal.
Disadvantages: I have not found any to date. Some literature mentions that Osteospermum plants are susceptible to fungal pathogens.
Availability and Sizes: This plant seems to be regularly available at retail nurseries around the front range. It is typically sold in 1 gallon or 4″ pots.
Best Features: The flowers are beautiful, but to me what really sets this plant apart is the mass of dark green foliage. In the right conditions it develops a wide mat of dark green foliage that acts a groundcover, spreading up to 42″ wide.
Maintenance Tip: While drought tolerant, Avalanche White Sun Daisy will produce the best flowers and mat of foliage if it is watered once or twice per week during dry periods.
This is the official blog of Outdoor Design Group, Colorado Landscape Architects. For more information about our business and our services, click here.
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by Matt Corrion
Recently I had a client express frustration about his inability to kill the crabgrass weeds in his lawn.
It turns out that what he had was tall fescue rather than crabgrass. Tall fescue is a spreading cool season grass that often appears in lawns. It has a courser texture than bluegrass, and will sometimes “green up” in the spring earlier than the rest of the lawn.
How to Remove Tall Fescue
Crabgrass (left) has smooth leaves that often have small hairs. Fescue (right) has ridges on the leaves.
So here’s the thing about trying to remove it: Selective weed killers that target weeds such as crabgrass will not kill tall fescue.
The only way to remove the tall fescue is to treat it with a non-selective herbicide such as Roundup. This type of weed killer will also kill the lawn that is directly around it. Which means you will need to spot-seed that area, or if you have a lot of fescue you may need to remove the entire lawn and start over with seed or sod.
Should You Remove it at All?
In my lawn, I have clumps of tall fescue but I don’t like to use many chemicals on my lawn. I just leave the clumps in place- they are hardly noticeable once the lawn greens up.
Tall fescue emerging in a bluegrass lawn that is still dormant in early spring.
Fescues are actually pretty highly recommended as lawn grasses- according to the Colorado State University Extension Office a fescue lawn can require up to 50% less water than a bluegrass lawn. In fact, one of the popular sod blends we often specify for the front range is a “90/10 Fescue Bluegrass” blend. That is, 90% fescue and 10% bluegrass.
So before deciding to use a bunch of chemicals on the fescue in your lawn, or doing a major lawn renovation – consider leaving it in place. The fescue can be hardly visible at all from a distance, and may end up saving you money in the long term on watering.
This is the official blog of Outdoor Design Group, Colorado Landscape Architects. For more information about our business and our services, click here.
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by Matt Corrion
Driving around Denver, your eye may be occasionally caught by an uncommon shrub or tree. One spot where this has occurred for me is along a highway off ramp at I-70 and Harlan Street in Wheatridge Colorado, a suburb of Denver. This off ramp is south-facing, making an ideal microclimate for a group of tall Yuccas. I’m not certain, but they are possibly Yucca thompsoniana or Yucca rostrata, two Yucca species that are known for their ability to grow taller than some other yucca species and still tolerate the winter temperatures of Denver. These yuccas are a pleasant surprise, providing a unique plantscape rarely duplicated along the mostly drab, weed infested highways of Colorado’s front range.
Another great roadside surprise Yucca that we admire is in a front yard along Monaco Boulevard in east Denver. Thriving on a the corner of a busy thoroughfare, this lovely plant proves once again that Yuccas are a great choice for gardeners in Colorado’s lower elevation areas.
This is the official blog of Outdoor Design Group, Colorado Landscape Architects. For more information about our business and our services, click here.
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by Matt Corrion
Native grass planting at The Wildlife Experience in Parker, Colorado (designer unknown). Grasses add movement and texture to the landscape. Fall color is not limited to trees and shrubs- there are many different fall colors to be displayed by various types of grasses, from yellows to oranges and reds.
This is the official blog of Outdoor Design Group, Colorado Landscape Architects. For more information about our business and our services, click here.
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